Wednesday, February 2

Pay attention to detail

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The last couple of days have been a blur...
My roomie Jenna Dee got sick so I spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (because lucky me has the greatest school schedule EVER!) walking the cobblestone streets of Firenze like I had been living there all my life.
I pretty much know where I am going now...or so I think.
Sunday was raining and Jenna was feeling really ill so I decided to walk around and find a market to get her some soup...I stumbled upon a swap meet right in back of our apartment where I truly felt the Firenze essence in the air. Colorful umbrellas, Old Italian ladies browsing through hats, and street vendors selling all kinds of vintage Italian goods. Finally found some minestrone soup...success.
Monday I once again had no class but poor Jenna had class all being the wonderful friend I am I walked her to and from all her classes...making sure she didn't collapse on the floor. Once again walked around...and just noticed little details all around me...the Italian man playing accordion...the old school telephone booths...the amazing graffiti on the wall...Audrey Hepburn’s classic face on an umbrella...and the cutest cafe.
At night I went to the welcome dinner with new friends Jenna and Emily (yes, we really did meet two other girls with the same names...freaky...I know) at Palazzo Bourgeois…what a wonderful place.


1 comment:

I hope you enjoy Italy through my eyes. xoxo Emily Jenny