Saturday, January 29

First shopping excursion


 Utter. Fail.
We decided to walk around and check out the San Lorenzo Market which is an outdoor market place where vendors sell leather goods, masks, sheets, fresh fruit - very farmers market meets swap meet.
Then we made our way to the nearest indoor market to stock up the fridge.
What we didn't realize at the time was that San Lorenzo was a mile and a half away from our apartment.
Four shopping bags filled to the brim, two petite girls, and a mile and a half walk through the city...
Let’s just say it was the worst idea ever!
My bags ripped first because I had four water bottles in them, the sugar burst open leaving a trial as we walked, the olive oil slipped out from beneath and burst on the floor.
We stopped to take a rest and to our luck had stopped at an ambulance cars parking spot where the driver so casually backed into us.
And yes...I had to stick the vodka bottle in my coat pocket and walk around the city...

Oh and a bird shit on me.
Baci e Abbracci Emilia

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I hope you enjoy Italy through my eyes. xoxo Emily Jenny